Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Greetings and Background

Hello and welcome to the development blog for the quasi-horror mind fucker mod for Doom II, Necropolis: Voices in the Night. (Sometimes referred to as Undoom, Necropolis or VIN in notes that might be featured) Unless otherwise specified in the post, the person that will usually be posting on this blog will be MONKET. The team working on Necropolis so far includes such badboys like DZ987, in charge of music design and some aspects of graphics, MONKET, lead developer, spriter, writer, and programmer, Kupo, artist, and Noname55, voice actor.

Necropolis is our first major project done in the idTech engine and can be considered a total conversion mod that will hopefully be released stand-alone. It has all-original weapons, new cast of enemies, a gripping story, and most prevalent of all is its conversion of Doom from a run-n-gun to a gritty first-person brawler. This is the development blog for it, and will show its current progress, including current maps, enemy/AI improvements, and the occasional rave from writer's block or coding impairments.

Enter the deepest, darkest parts of your psyche. Probe your subconscious' own judgement and massage the tender muscles of fears and desires. It is instinct alone that saves you.

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